主頁 我們的服務 申請駐場醫療服務
Booking for On-site Medical Services


更新:13 Sep 2021

任何機構如欲申請駐場急救醫療服務,請於活動舉辦 2 星期前透過以下方式盡早遞交申請:

(不足 2 星期之申請依然會獲得處理,我們會盡可能提供服務)

To apply for on-site medical cover, please make an application at least 2 weeks prior to the date of the eventby the followings methods as early as possible




# 商業活動之急救服務申請會被收取合理費用,所得收益將全數用作維持本隊日常運作及支援其他義務醫療服務及健康教育工作。

服務須知 Important Notes / Terms and conditions

(更新日期:2021 年 5 月 15 日)
(Updated on 15 May 2021)

保障個人資料 (私隱) 政策聲明 Privacy Policy Statement

香港緊急醫療服務團(簡稱「本隊」)非常重視保障個人資料的私隱權,並承諾會盡力遵守香港法例第 486 章《個人資料(私隱)條例》的原則及規定。本隊承諾盡力遵守「保障個人資料(私隱)政策聲明」,妥善收集、使用、處理及保存個人資料。
Hong Kong Emergency Medical Services Corps ('the Corps') considers the safeguarding of the privacy of personal data as highly important, and is committed to complying with the principles and provisions of the Cap. 486 Personal Data (Privacy) Ordinance in the following aspects. This Policy explains how we may collect and use the information you give us, the conditions under which we may disclose it to others and how we keep it secure.

你可以透過以下連結登入本隊網站查閱《保障個人資料 (私隱) 政策聲明》:
You may read the Privacy Policy Statement on our website by clicking the following link: